Publish your event

Publish your eventin under 2 minutes!

Want to publish an event on our website? It's easy!
There are several options!

You have an ambassadeur account

Log in and fill in the event submission form.

I don't have any account

You can create one, which will allow you to open a profile for your establishment on our platform and create links to your events.

I want to create my Ambassador account

Create an account

Mandatory: if you represent a bistro, winery or wine estate, we suggest you create a profile to give yourself good visibility on our platform.

You can fill in the event submission form without an account.

If you aren't a Bistrot Beaujolais, a winery or an estate, you can still publish your event on the platform without creating an account! Event publication is subject to our validation. You will be notified about its publication. Thanks for contributing!

Picto alerte

I want to publish an event without creating an account

Publish your event

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I subscribe to be notified each week of the latest events organized by Beaujolais ambassadors. If there is no new event, I am not receiving a newsletter (with us, no SPAM!).

The information collected on this form is saved in a computerised file by Inter Beaujolais for processing your request and future communication purposes. It is stored for 5 years and used to send you information related to Beaujolais wines.

In accordance with the "Information Technology and Civil Liberties" law and the GDPR, you may exercise your right to access, rectify and erase your data by contacting the Inter Beaujolais DPO.

To know and exercise your rights, in particular your rights to access, rectify and erase data collected via this form, please check our Personal Data Protection Policy.

Find out more about your data management and your rights pertaining to this form.